Kildemose "kult" festival 2009
26. - 27. - 28. juni.


Nicolai Vilhelm Tell & The Teacompany
Saturday 17:00

Nicolai Vilhelm Tell & The Teacompany startede omkring årtusind skiftet som en ide om at lave en Syret plade, da Orpheus Records ringede og spurgte hvad de var for noget musik jeg lavede der ude i provinsen. De var helt med på at skulle udgive en plade med mine syrede danske sange i samme stil som Bifrost, Alrune Rod og Bo Hansson...
Sideløbende med at jeg indpillede min plade spillede jeg med i Københavner bandet Ghost Rocket som bl.andre medlemmer havde Morten Aron en af stifterne af On Trial. Vi fik en rimelig succes med opvarmnings job for bl.a. Baby Woodrose og Electric Prunes....
Ghost Rocket gik i stykker men jeg arbejdede videre med min plade og endelig udkom den i 2007....
Jeg havde fået blod på tanden og ville starte mit eget band med den ide at vi skulle spille numre fra min plade pluds at jeg var begyndt at lave et koncept album med titlen Mushroom Town...
Jeg fik samlet mit band og vi kaldte og kalder os stadig Nicolai Vilhelm Tell & The Teacompany efter en sang fra koncept albummet ( Som desværre ikke er udkommet på plade.... Endnu). Denne stil var hen af tidlig Pink Floyd og Britisk Psych.
Jeg fandt de numre jeg var begyndt at lave efter koncept albummet var i en lidt anden Psykedelisk stil, nemlig i stil med Electric Prunes, Love, Blues Magoos, Lee Hazlewood og andre i samme stil...
Nu Kunne vi rigtig komme igang og der er kommet gang i den. Efter en lidet besøgt koncert på Lades Kælder fik et et stort publikum på Husets Teater og håber at vi snart skal ud og spille igen, da det gav os god kritik...

Nicolai Vilhelm Tell & The Teacompany består af
Nicolai Vilhelm Tell : Sang og Lead Guitar
Brian Jørgensen : Guitar
Joachim Rønnow : Bas
Kristoffer Eriksen : Orgel
Morten Albjerg : Trommer.

Denne bandbesætning vil forhåbentlig spille en masse koncerter i fremtiden med Psykedelisk Musik og lys, så hold øje med denne side og andre for nærmere oplysning.....
Booking : 57861393 / 40316996 -

Nicolai Vilhelm Tell & The Teacompany started around year 2000, as an idea of making a Acid rock record, when Orpheus Records phoned me and asked what kind of music i made out here in the provinse of Seeland in Denmark. They said, that they would be glad to make a record whit me an my danish acid rock songs that was inspired by Bifrost, Alrune Rod and Bo Hansson...
As I were recording my songs I became a member of a band in Copenhagen called Ghost Rocket, Which was started by Morten Aron, one of the founders of On Trial and a member of Spids Nøgenhat.
Ghost Rocket, a garage rock band, became quit a succes with jobs along side bands like Baby Woodrose and Electric Prunes... Ghost Rocket broke up but I were still working on my record, and finally " Før Lyset Forsvinder " was released in 2007.... One of these songs " Sov Sødt " can be heard on this bandsite....
I were getting quit hooked on the showbussines and started my own band, with the idea of playing songs from my album and some new songs I made for a concept album with the working title " Mushroom Town ".....
We callled the band Nicolai Vilhelm Tell & The Teacompany after a song from the concept album (Which unfortunately hasn't been released yet. ) These new songs were inspired by early Pink Floyd and British Psych...
Then after a little break, where Í didn't write any songs, I got started again. These songs were yet again in a new still. These songs were more straight psych inspired by Love, Blues Magoos, Electric Prunes, Lee Hazlewood and others in this genre.... These songs are all the songs on english on this website....
Now we were of.... And of we were.... After some small concerts and a concert on Lades Kælder in Copenhagen, we finally got a Big Audience, playing along side The Telstar Sound Drone at Husets Teater in Copenhagen the 1'st of May 2009, and got great critics....
Now we are looking for new gigs all over europe... Hopefully we will be playing a lot of gigs in the near future with Psychedelic music and light, so keep an eye on this and other websites for news and info...
Booking : phone: 57861393 / 40316996